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Friday 26th August 2016
After a week at the Shin Gi Tai Aikido Summer School it was nice to have a session back at the club. Adam, Ben(F) and Lowri trained with Sensei’s Martin and Bryn.
Friday 19th August 2016
Good training session tonight with James, Adam, Ben Seagrove and Ben Fray. Always good to have a visiting member from another club.
Tuesday 16th August 2016
Excellent session tonight (16th August 2016) with Jamie, Ben Seagrove, Adam, Stuart, Leon, Steve, Sensei Martin and Sensei Bryn. Both Jo and Bokken were used to reinforce basics as well as learning the 1st Jo Kata.
Newcomers – Katie Raine Peacock, Ben Cole-Edwards, Dylan Lewis Howells and Ben. Introduction to basic akemi (rolling) starting with seated backwards roll exercises and building into backwards roll to a kneel. We then looked at basic foot movements i.e. hidari (left) hamni and migi (right) hamni before moving onto First form looking at Shiho-Nage and Irimi-Nage as well as Ikkyo and Nikyo. Steve Wheller also attended where a refresh of defences to Yokomen attack were explored with visiting aikidoka.